b'BEFORE - 1488 seats Series SeatingBuilding codes limit the length of a pew to a maximum of 21-6 which increases the number of required aisles. The pew layout below calls for a minimum of 9 aisles, creating a loss of seats for a total capacity of only 1488. Pews Quantities and Lengths4 Pews 74 = 3522 Pews 96 = 2288 Pews 118 = 11208 Pews 1310 = 132812 Pews 160 = 23044 Pews 182 = 87210 Pews 204 = 244092 Pews 226 = 24840Total Inches 33484 Capacity 1488 @ 22.5 per personAFTER - 1880 seatsFire codes recognize the added egress provided by the Series VERA chair, permitting more than three times the row length of a pew. This reduces the number of required aisles to only 5 for a total of 1880 seats and a 26% gain in seat capacity, just from the difference in aisles alone. VERA ChairAverage width 22.5 = 1864Wheel chair spaces = 16Total Capacity 1880For more information, call 1-888-600-8639.www.integrityfurniture.com 17'